Decolonizing your syllabus? You might have missed some steps Decolonizing your syllabus? You might have missed some steps Decolonizing your syllabus is different than including some Indigenous writers on the reading schedule.
Students create visual manuals for building BabyLegs Students create visual manuals for building BabyLegs Students at the Polish-Japanese Academy of IT in Warsaw (Poland) created a suite of manuals for building BabyLegs.
Teaching kits for DIY marine plastic research (grades 7-12) Teaching kits for DIY marine plastic research (grades 7-12) CLEAR and Let’s Talk Science have created guides on how to build and use marine plastic research devices in classrooms from grade 7-12.
Equity in Author Order Equity in Author Order How do we assign author order in a way that is humble, equitable, and accountable to the different types of labour that go into collaborative publications? What process can address the power dynamics that exist in all labs and collaborations?