Marine Plastics in Newfoundland Fish and Ecosystems: A Public Meeting
Thursday, January 21
Petty Harbour Recreation Center
Cribbies Road, off Main Road next to the War Memorial

?While plastics have been found in every ocean in the world, the exact amounts and effects of plastic pollution in Newfoundland are unknown.

A team of research at MUN have started a long-term study of marine plastics in Newfoundland by collecting cod guts from the September 2015 food fishery to see of cod are eating plastics. They will present their findings at this public meeting, discuss the issue of marine plastics more broadly, and collect input from attendees about the types of concerns they have around plastic pollution in Newfoundland to direct future research.

 Everyone is welcome to attend!

 For more information, contact project leaders at MUN: Dr. Max Liboiron (Sociology & Environmental Sciences) & Dr. Charles Mather (Geography)

Project website:
Facebook invitation page