We want to hear from you! We have a survey to see how people are building, using, and improving the technologies and protocols we make public.

Our goal is to study how people interact, use, hack, or fix their do-it-yourself technology. We will use this data to improve our technologies and instructions, as well as to understand how people are using these types of open source devices.

This survey has 15 questions and will take between 10 and 20 minutes to fill out. No questions are mandatory, and you can quit at any time by closing your browser. The survey is anonymous and we do not collect names, IP addresses, or email addresses.


  1. YESSSS! Listening to the film about you on Atlantic. No earbuds while processing fish. Made me want to cry. Radical understanding of connectivity is what it’s going to take. Would be more eloquent, but I have to get back to cleaning my house.

  2. Pingback: Share your story

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