What are anticolonial ways of respecting animals in research that include but exceed institutional values of replacement (of animals with non-animals), reduction (of the number of animals needed), and refinement (of studies)?
DFO is panning to implement a licence and tags management regime for the food fishery in the Newfoundland and Labrador. These tags will be plastic. DFO invites public consultations. Make your voice heard.
How do we assign author order in a way that is humble, equitable, and accountable to the different types of labour that go into collaborative publications? What process can address the power dynamics that exist in all labs and collaborations?
A team of research at MUN will present their findings on plastic ingestion in cod at this public meeting and collect input from attendees about the types of concerns they have around plastic pollution in Newfoundland to direct future research.
The P.E.T. is a do-it-yourself ocean plastic monitoring device based on filtering plastics through a mesh bag containing textured balls constructed out of materials easily found in household settings.