CLEAR lab members in bold. Student authors underlined. Texts produced by the CLEAR collective or out of the lab are marked with an asterisk*. Other texts are authored or co-authored by CLEAR members in line with lab commitments, values, and activities. If you don’t have access to any of these texts, contact us or the lead author for a copy.
About CLEAR lab
- *Fernanda Yanchapaxi, M., Liboiron, M., Crocker, K., Smiles, D., Tuck, E. (2022). Finding a good starting place: An interview with scholars in the CLEAR Lab. Curriculum Inquiry 52(2): 162-170.
- *CLEAR. (2021). CLEAR Lab Book: A living manual of our values, guidelines, and protocols, V.03. St. John’s, NL: Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador.
- *Liboiron, M., Simmonds, E., Allen, E., Wells, E., Melvin, J., Zahara, A., Mather, C. (2021). Doing Ethics with Cod. In Making & Doing: Activating STS through Knowledge Expression and Travel, Ed. Downey, G., and Zuiderent-Jerak, T. MIT Press: 137-154.
- *Liboiron, M. (2021). Pollution is Colonialism. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
- Watwood, L. (2020). “Value and Practice in a Feminist, Anti-Colonial Marine Science Laboratory.” (Master’s thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
On addressing power dynamics in research methods, analysis, and approaches
- *Liboiron, Max, Riley Cotter. (2023). Review of participation of Indigenous peoples in plastics pollution governance. Cambridge Prisms: Plastics, e16: 1-24.
- *Liboiron, Max, Emily Simmonds, Edward Allen, Emily Wells, Jess Melvin, Alex Zahara, Charles Mather, All Our Relations. (2021). Doing Ethics with Cod. In Making & Doing: Activating STS through Knowledge Expression and Travel, Ed. Downey, G., and Zuiderent-Jerak, T. MIT Press: 137-154.
- Liboiron, Max. (2020). “Exchanging,” Transmissions: Critical Tactics for Making and Communicating Research. Edited by Kat Jungnickel. MIT Press: 89-108.
- Ngata, Tina, and Max Liboiron. (2020). M?ori plastic pollution expertise in Aotearoa. CLEAR.
- Gutiérrez, Rochelle, Liboiron, Max. (2020). Strong Animals: Humility in Science. Science for the People 22(2), Special issue on The Science We Need.
- Liboiron, Max and Delores Smiles. (2020). #Collabrary: a methodological experiment for reading with reciprocity. CLEAR
- Liboiron, Max. (2019). Decolonizing your syllabus? You might have missed some steps. CLEAR, August 12.
- Liboiron, Max. (2019) The Power (Relations) of Citizen Science, CLEAR, March 20.
- *Earles, Elise, Zahara, Alex, Sheppard, KJ (interviewer). (2018). “Categories aren’t these things that are just there”: An interview with the CLEAR Lab’s Queer Science Reading Group. Lady Science, July 16.
- *Liboiron, Max, Zahara, Alex, Schoot, Ignace. Community Peer Review: A Method to Bring Consent and Self-Determination into the Sciences. Preprints 2018, 2018060104 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201806.0104.v1).
- Liboiron, M. (2017). “Compromised Action: The Case of BabyLegs,” Engaging Science, Technology, Society, 3: 499-527.
- *Liboiron, Max, Ammendolia, J., Winsor, Kate, Zahara, Alex, Bradshaw, Hillary, Melvin, Jessica, Mather, Charles, Dawe, Natalya, Wells, Emily, Liboiron, France and Fürst, Bojan. (2017). “Equity in Author Order: A Feminist Laboratory’s Approach.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 3(2).
- Zahara, Alex. (2016). Refusal as Research Method in Discard Studies. Discard Studies Blog.
- Zahara, Alex. (2016). Ethnographic Refusal: A How To Guide. Discard Studies Blog.
On plastic pollution and colonialism
- *Liboiron, Max, Riley Cotter. (2023). Review of participation of Indigenous peoples in plastics pollution governance. Cambridge Prisms: Plastics, e16: 1-24.
- *Liboiron, Max, Rui Li, Elise Earles, and Imari Walker. (2023). Models of justice evoked in published scientific studies of plastic pollution. FACETS 8: 1-34.
- *Liboiron, M. (2021). Pollution is Colonialism. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
- *Liboiron, M., Zahara, A., Hawkins, K., Crespo, C., Neves, B., Wareham-Hayes, V., Edinger, E., Muise, C., Walzak, M., Sarazen, R., Chidley, J., Mills, C., Watwood, L., Arif, H., Earles, E., Pijogge, L., Shirley, J., Jacobs, J., McCarney, P., Charron, L. (2021). Abundance and types of plastic pollution in surface waters and the case for reconciliation science in the Eastern Arctic (Inuit Nunangat). Science of the Total Environment.
- *Liboiron, Max. (2020). Plastics in the Gut: A search for sand on a rocky shoreline upends colonial science. Orion (winter): 22-29.
- Liboiron, Max. (2018). How Plastic Is a Function of Colonialism. Teen Vogue. December 21.
- Liboiron, Max. (2018). Waste Colonialism. Discard Studies, November 1.
- *CLEAR & EDAction. (2017). “Pollution is Colonialism” (pamphlet).
On plastic pollution
- *Liboiron, M., Zahara, A., Hawkins, K., Crespo, C., Neves, B., Wareham-Hayes, V., Edinger, E., Muise, C., Walzak, M., Sarazen, R., Chidley, J., Mills, C., Watwood, L., Arif, H., Earles, E., Pijogge, L., Shirley, J., Jacobs, J., McCarney, P., Charron, L. (2021). Abundance and types of plastic pollution in surface waters and the case for reconciliation science in the Eastern Arctic (Inuit Nunangat). Science of the Total Environment.
- Melvin, Jessica, Madeline Bury, Justine Ammendolia, Charles Mather, and Max Liboiron. (2021). Critical Gaps in Shoreline Plastics Pollution Research. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 1-8.
- * Max Liboiron, Nadia Duman, Alex Bond, Louis Charron, France Liboiron, Justine Ammendolia, Kaitlyn Hawkins, Emily Wells, Jessica Melvin, Natalya Dawe, Melissa Novacefski. (2020). Regional Report on plastic pollution in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1962-2019. Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR). St. John’s: Memorial University.
- *Saturno, Jacquelyn. (2020). Investigating the role of fishing gear on plastic pollution: The occurrence of fishing gear-related plastic ingested by Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and the fragmentation of polymer ropes. (Master’s Thesis, Memorial University).
- Cowger, W., Booth, A., Hamilton, B., Primpke, S., Munno, K., Lusher, A., Dehaut, A., Vaz, V., Liboiron, M., Devriese, L., Hermabessiere, L., Rochmna, R., Stelle, C., Athey, S., Lych, J., De Frond, H., Gray, A., Jones, O., Brander, S., Thaysen, C., Moore, S., Sanchez, A., & Nel., H. (2020). Reporting guidelines to increase the reproducibility and comparability of research on microplastics. Applied Spectrosocopy, 74(9): 1066-1077.
- *Saturno, J., Liboiron, M., Ammendolia, J., Healey, N., Earles, E., Duman, N., Schoot, I., Morris, T., Favaro, B. (2020). Occurrence of plastics ingested by Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) destined for human consumption (Fogo Island, Newfoundland and Labrador). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 153: 110993.
- *Harris, L., Liboiron, M., Charron, L., Mather, C. (2020). Using citizen science to evaluate extended producer responsibility policy to reduce marine plastic debris shows no reduction in pollution levels. Marine Policy, 123: 104319.
- Provencher, J., Liboiron, M., Borelle, S., Bond, A., Rochman, C., Lavers, J., Avery-Gomm, S., Yamashita, R., Ryan, P., Lusher, A., Hammer, S., Bradshaw, H., Khan, J., Mallory, M. (2020). A Horizon scan of research priorities to inform policies aimed at reducing the harm of plastic pollution to biota. Science of The Total Environment, 733(2020): 1-11.
- *Richárd, Natalie. (2019). An analysis of ingested microplastics found in offshore Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and inshore capelin (Mallotus villosus) using scientific and citizen science methods (Master’s Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland).
- Liboiron, Max. (2019).There’s no such thing as plastic. Only plastics. Here’s why that matters. CLEAR.
- Harris, L. (2019). Aligning citizen science and extended producer responsibility policy for marine plastic reduction (Master’s Thesis, Memorial University).
- *Liboiron, Max. (2018). Not all marine fish eat plastics. The Conversation, July 11.
- *Liboiron, M., Melvin, J., Richárd, N., Saturno, J., Ammendolia, J., Charron, L., & Mather, C. (2018). Low incidence of plastic ingestion among three fish species significant for human consumption on the island of Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141: 224-248.
- *Liboiron, F., Ammendolia, J., Saturno, J., Melvin, J., Zahara, A., Richárd, N., & Liboiron, M. (2018). A zero percent plastic ingestion rate by silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) from the south coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 131, 267-275.
- Provencher, J.F., Avery-Gomm, S., Liboiron, M., Braune, B.M., Macaulay, J.B., Mallory, M.L., Letcher, R.J. (2018). Are ingested plastics a vector of PCB contamination in northern fulmars from coastal Newfoundland and Labrador? Environmental Research, 167: 184-190.
- Melvin, J. (2017). Plastic ingestion in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on the east coast of Newfoundland, Canada: results from a citizen science monitoring project, with policy recommendations for long-term monitoring (Master’s thesis).
- Liboiron, Max. (2017). Toxins or Toxicants? Why the difference matters. Discard Studies 09/11.
- McWilliams, M., Liboiron, M., Wiersma, Y. (2017). “Rocky shoreline protocols miss microplastics in marine debris surveys (Fogo Island, Newfoundland and Labrador),” Marine Pollution Bulletin, advanced proof. (pre-print proof here).
- Avery-Gomm, S., Provencher, J. F., Liboiron, M., Poon, F. E., & Smith, P. A. (2017). Plastic pollution in the Labrador Sea: An assessment using the seabird northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis as a biological monitoring species. Marine Pollution Bulletin, advanced proof.
- Eriksen, M., Liboiron, M., Kiessling, T., Charron, L., Alling, A., Lebreton, L., Richards, H., Roth, B., Ory, N., Hidalgo-Ruz, V., Meerhoff, E., Box., C., Cummins, A., Theil, M. (2017). “Microplastic sampling with the AVANI trawl compared to two neuston trawls in the Bay of Bengal and South Pacific,” Environmental Pollution, advanced proof.
- *Liboiron, M., Liboiron, F., Wells, E., Richard, N., Zahara, A., Mather, C., Bradshaw, H., & Murichi, J. (2016). “Low plastic ingestion rate in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) from Newfoundland destined for human consumption collected through citizen science methods.”Marine Pollution Bulletin.
- Avery-Gomm, S., Valliant, M., Schacter, C. R., Robbins, K. F., Liboiron, M., Daoust, P. Y., … & Jones, I. L. (2016). “A study of wrecked Dovekies (Alle alle) in the western North Atlantic highlights the importance of using standardized methods to quantify plastic ingestion.” Marine Pollution Bulletin
- Liboiron, M. (2016). “Redefining pollution and action: The matter of plastics.” Journal of Material Culture, 21(1): 87-110.
- Gray-Cosgrove, C., Liboiron, M., & Lepawsky, J. (2016). “The Challenges of Temporality to Depollution & Remediation.” SAPI ENS. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society, (8.1).
- Liboiron, Max. (2015). “How the Ocean Cleanup Array Fundamentally Misunderstands Marine Plastics and Causes Harm,” Discard Studies, 6/5
Wild and country foods
- *Atkinson, J. (2020). “A Review of Wild and Country Foods in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: The Importance of Key Food Sources Despite a Decrease in Consumption Over Time.” (Master’s Report, Memorial University).
- * Max Liboiron, Nadia Duman, Alex Bond, Louis Charron, France Liboiron, Justine Ammendolia, Kaitlyn Hawkins, Emily Wells, Jessica Melvin, Natalya Dawe, Melissa Novacefski. (2020). Regional Report on plastic pollution in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1962-2019. Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR). St. John’s: Memorial University.
- *Liboiron, M., Melvin, J., Richárd, N., Saturno, J., Ammendolia, J., Charron, L., & Mather, C. (2018). Low incidence of plastic ingestion among three fish species significant for human consumption on the island of Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141: 224-248.
- *Liboiron, M., Liboiron, F., Wells, E., Richard, N., Zahara, A., Mather, C., Bradshaw, H., & Murichi, J. (2016). “Low plastic ingestion rate in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) from Newfoundland destined for human consumption collected through citizen science methods.”Marine Pollution Bulletin.