There are plastics in every ocean in the world. About half of plastics sink, and the other half float. You may have heard that there is an island of plastics, but the areas of highest concentrations of plastics are more like smogs than solid islands. This is because over 90% of marine plastics are under 5mm in size (microplastics), smaller than a grain of ice–an ideal size for a wide variety of marine life to ingest them, from plankton to whales.

This plastic smog exists mainly on the surface of the water, but is also dispersed throughout the water column. Because of their small size and uneven distribution, marine plastics are difficult to track, quantify, and measure. The Monitoring Marine Plastics Project develops several low cost, open source, do-it-with-others (DIWO) technologies for observing ocean plastics designed specifically for the harsh weather and landscapes of Newfoundland. Even most accredited scientific protocols for monitoring marine plastics don’t work in the unusually icy, rocky, windy coasts of the province. The technology is built so that ordinary people who are concerned about their environments can build and use the technology. They are cheap, made with easily obtained materials, and the plans are posted online.

Technologies & Protocols

Our technologies are in the prototype phase. If you are interested in building or testing these technologies, please let us know!

PED ROC: The PED ROC is designed to capture microplastics on rocky coastlines.

#BabyLegs: This is a $12 version of the $3500 manta trawl designed to collect plastics from the surface of water using a variety of seafaring vessels.

Beach Surveys: We have survey protocols for both macro (larger than 5mm) and micro (smaller than 5mm) plastics.

Teaching Tools

Key Scientific Texts on Marine Plastics

  • Bergmann, M., Gutow, L., & Klages, M. (2015). Marine Anthropogenic Litter. Springer. This open-access text is the most comprehensive collection on marine plastics.

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