Are your fish eating plastic? We want to find out! We will be collecting fish guts during Newfoundland’s food fishery this summer (2015) to see if fish are ingesting plastics in this area. This is part of a larger project to investigate the state of marine plastic pollution in Newfoundland and Labrador, and to see how plastics behave in food chains.

Out of 205 fish guts we received, 5 had ingested plastics. That’s 2.4%, which is a lower ratio that most other studies of plastic ingestion in fish caught for food! At first we thought there was much more plastic because the naked eye cannot see as well as a microscope and cod fish eat a lot of odd things, but now we know there is a small percentage of plastics ingested, along with rocks, bones, shells, and other inorganic objects. If you provided us with some guts, your data is here. Thank  you! We will also hold a public meeting in Petty Harbour & St. John’s about what we find in January 2016.

If you have any questions about this project or if you want to receive a notice of the public meetings, you can contact us at

Cliff’s FishPH67Petty Harbour area2
Anonymous-Portugal CovePH92Portugal Cove1
Anonymous- Quidi VidiSP141Quidi Vidi1
JohnnySP31Portugal Cove2
NemoSP9Bell Island1
Bill Petty Harbour area0
O’Dell Flatrock0
JGK Petty Harbour area0
Couper Petty Harbour area0
Gay Petty Harbour area0
George Petty Harbour area0
Jackson Black Hole Top0
Southern Gale Petty Harbour are0
Dennis Portugal cove area0
Dennis and Mike Portugal cove area0
Freeman Portugal cove area0
Stuart Portugal cove & Cove Port0
Reg  Cove Port0
Jim Dobbin Holes0
Keith St. Phillips0
Bayliner Cove Port0
Photograph via a microscope of one of the pieces of plastic found in a cod fish. Image credit: Emily Wells.
Photograph via a microscope of one of the pieces of plastic found in a cod fish. Image credit: Emily Wells.

This project is based at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, and is funded by a Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant.


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