Colonialism in Canada is an ongoing structure whereby settler society and government assert sovereignty over lands already occupied by Indigenous peoples. This includes disrupting and exterminating Indigenous life, values, and self-determination, as well as disruption of established relationships between bodies, lands, waters, airs, plants, animals and other beings.
The new article, “Ten Strategies to Reduce Gender Inequality at Scientific Conferences,” is based on a working group at the International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) 2016. It is co-authored by Director of CLEAR, Dr. Max Liboiron.
When we design scientific instruments, we think of about users that are scientists with degrees in well-funded institutions, but also rural Newfoundlanders, who also have research questions and a right to answer them. To this end, we have several guidelines for how we design and build our tools.
We are holding this open public meeting to share findings on plastics in food cod, and receive feedback from attendees on how we might proceed in the future. Everyone is welcome!
We are holding this open public meeting to share this year’s findings, receive feedback from attendees on how we might proceed in the future, and discuss concerns around plastic pollution in Newfoundland waters. Everyone is welcome.